Waimea Bay (Ages 8-11)

Waimea Bay (Ages 8-11)


Location: Waimea Bay

Age Restriction: 8-11

Schedule: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.The mission of NSLA's Junior Lifeguard Program at Waimea Bay is to get kids an early start in ocean and beach safety, physical conditioning, basic First Aid and CPR, and environmental and cultural awareness to empower the next generation of lifesavers and ocean enthusiasts.FAQWho runs this program?

This is NOT a City & County program. The North Shore Lifeguard Association (NSLA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1996 by the District Three City & County Ocean Safety lifeguards who live and work in the North Shore, O‘ahu community. NSLA's Ocean Safety experts provide lifesaving education year-round to the North Shore community through instructional programs for the public, professional athletes visiting for ocean-oriented events and contests, and the youth through the Junior Lifeguard Programs.

What skills does my kid need to participate?

Participants MUST be able to swim.  This is NOT a swim clinic.

Can I sign up for more than one session?

We are only allowing one session per child in order to maximize the reach for the community’s keiki and youth.

Commonly asked questions about registration:

NO beach entries

NO waitlist

NO asking to switch weeks or accommodate travel dates

What does my kid need for Junior Guards? Please make sure to drop off your child ‘sun-blocked up’ with the following, daily:

·       Towel

·       Water

·       Food/Snacks

·       Fins (if they want; not required because we provide)

·       A good attitude, ready to learn ocean safety skills

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